Following Ottawa Public Health's recommendations our booking guidelines have changed:
If you have travelled outside of CANADA in the past 14 days OR have come into contact with someone who has travelled outside of CANADA in the past 14 days and YOU have a cough OR fever, please do not visit our office.If you believe you may have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for Coronavirus, please contact Ottawa Public Health (613-580-6744). They will provide you with further information.
Please contact Jathina at to rearrange your appointment by phone or video conferencing.Â
We understand this is a very stressful situation for everyone. And we will do our best to provide you with continued psychotherapeutic care during this quickly evolving situation. We will keep you up to date as our policies change in line with current guidelines. We thank you for your cooperation.
- Jathina Blais, RSW and the Family Therapy team